Acciona and Axa acquire the 33% stake that KKR had since 2014 in Acciona Energía Internacional

Acciona and Axa have acquired the 33% stake that KKR had since 2014 in Acciona Energía Internacional

The operation has been closed for a total of 445 million euros.

Through this subsidiary, Acciona channels the 52 onshore wind farms it has in different international markets, which total a power of 2.3 gigawatts (GW) in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Italy, Portugal and South Africa.

One of the last signed projects will be the MacIntyre complex, in Queensland, Australia, which will have a total capacity of 1,026 MW. It will have 180 5.7 MW Nordex Delta 4000 turbines, which will generate clean electricity to supply some 700,000 homes and prevent the emission of close to 3 million tons of CO2.

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